White Papers
Improve Top-Down Performance
with Integrated Robotics (Whitepaper)
Forecasts indicate that the influx of robotic installations across various industries, including transportation and electrical equipment, will spur significant growth in industrial robotics over the next decade. By 2030, robots should be able to handle 30 to 40% of automatable tasks in these industries.
To meet shifting consumer demands, robot suppliers have incorporated easier programming and teaching tools, predictive maintenance diagnostics and alarms – presented in real-time to operators – and lowered costs.
This white paper discusses:
- The case for integrated robotics in material handling
- Improvements in robotic accuracy and handling
- The OEM opportunity
5 Smart Machine Trends You Need to Know (Whitepaper)
The future of smart machines is upon us. Be sure you’re considering all of the key trends when developing product strategy and designing your next-generation equipment.
Not long ago, analytics were the domain of Big Data players and supercomputer houses… Analytics are now available in small footprints and are built directly into products, allowing fit-for-purpose analytics to relay critical behaviours in real-time.”
This white paper covers:
- IoT integration
- Analytics becoming mainstream
- Remote monitoring through cloud services
- Machine learning and AI
- The increasing use of robotics